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Remembering Robert W. Shaffer: Board Member, Advocate, and Friend

Remembering Robert W. Shaffer: Board Member, Advocate, and Friend” 

February 1st, 2022

It’s hard to express how deeply we are all feeling the loss of Bob Shaffer, a foundational member of our Board, an advocate, an ally, a mentor, and a friend. We are truly saddened to lose such a wonderful, kind person.

The emotions we are feeling will motivate us to continue the legacy of Bob’s tireless advocacy. His life experiences are humbling and a reminder that the fight for civil rights and social justice began not so very long ago and still continues today. Bob loved his communities and not only believed we can all make a change for ourselves and the world around us, he took the steps to make those changes. His steadfast smile and kind words to encourage and guide the next generation of advocates at FSHC will be memories that we cherish and reflect upon as we continue his long-fought battle for civil rights and social justice in this world.

May we all be inspired by Bob’s example to work for change in our communities, each and every day.


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