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Hurricane Sandy and New Jersey's Fight for Equitable Disaster Relief

Ten years after a historic fair housing settlement agreement, this brief explains the progress made in the aftermath of the storm and where more advocacy is needed to incorporate civil rights into disaster recovery.

Dismantling Exclusionary Zoning: New Jersey's Blueprint for Overcoming Segregation; April 2023

This report contains the key features of New Jersey’s Mount Laurel Doctrine, new data about affordable housing development since 2015, and firsthand accounts of fair housing advocates and affordable housing residents.

The Fight for Housing Justice: A Year in Review; December 2022

This impact report highlights FSHC’s biggest wins in 2022 and offers a glimpse of what is to come in 2023. 

Fair Chance in Housing Act Toolkit; November 2022

This toolkit uplifts the 2021 New Jersey Fair Chance in Housing Act to provide insight to advocates in other jurisdictions working to expand housing access to people with prior criminal legal system involvement. 

But Next Time: Storm Survivors Demand Overhaul of Disaster Recovery System; October 2022

This partnered report contains demands from hurricane survivors and nonprofit organizations to change our federal approach to disaster recovery.

Untapped Resources: How New Jersey Can Leverage State Financing and Land for Affordable Housing; September 2022

This report offers recommendations for accelerating the development of affordable housing in NJ while using existing laws. 

NYC Thinking Regionally - Housing Interview 2022

This report contains an interview conducted by Noah Kazis, Legal Fellow at the NYU Furman Center, and FSHC’s Executive Director, Adam Gordon on housing disparities in NYC and NJ. 

Part Two: Fixing America’s Broken Disaster Housing Recovery System; July 28, 2020

This partnered report by FSHC and the National Low Income Housing Coalition outlines policy recommendations for creating a more effective and efficient disaster recovery response.

Part One: Fixing America’s Broken Disaster Housing Recovery System 2019

 This partnered report by FSHC and the National Low Income Housing Coalition identifies the failures of disaster recovery in four areas: emergency planning and response, post-disaster housing, long-term recovery, and mitigation and resiliency.

The State of Sandy Recovery; February 2015

This report by FSHC and partners contains data on Hurricane Sandy recovery two and a half years after its landall, and explains the contributions of FSHC’s 2014 settlement on Hurricane Sandy Recovery with the state.  

The State of Sandy Recovery; January 2014

This report by FSHC and partners outlines the recovery response to Hurricane Sandy fifteen months after its landfall, and it offers suggestions for the use of upcoming federal disaster recovery funds.

Sandy's Effects on Housing in NYC 2013

This report by the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy at NYU and the Moelis Institute for Affordable Housing Policy at NYU details the effects of Hurricane Sandy on the NYC housing market. 

Faces of Sandy

This report contains firsthand accounts on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy from survivors.

Chicken Little Report 2008

This report contains findings on the benefits of affordable housing and demographic data on the towns who shirked their affordable housing obligations at the time.